
Thursday 23 July 2015

Andragogy (Adult Learning)

whilst researching the concepts around Andragogy and Pedagogy for module 2 for this course, I found this great little video. The two sets of characteristics are explained simply and clearly. This 'clicked' for me and helped me to pull together the bigger picture out of the jumble of ideas, theories and concepts I had been reading about (I think I was probably getting in too deep!).

However, in a effort to sensibly digress (is that possible?), I found a great document from Baker College about teaching different generations of learners; comparing characteristics of the Silent, Baby Boomer, Generation X, and the Millennial generation. I could recognise  people from each generation and related to my own. It was quite fascinating and well worth a read. Here is the link:

Sunday 7 June 2015

I haven't been on my blog page for quite a while. But now is the time to begin to share my thoughts and musings on what I have been learning.
Today I developed an e-portfolio. I am not particularly computer savvy, so to accomplish this is a big  achievement for me. I developed this portfolio ( and have linked it to my blog!) as part of my Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education. Setting this up e-portfolio is a requirement for the Learning and Teaching in Practice module. I am slow as it has taken me nearly four hours to set it up and write an introduction....and whilst I have some hand written notes on my learning for the first module I haven't even begun to frame a piece of comprehensive literature to add  to my e-portfolio.
Having said all that I am really excited about my e-portfolio. I am thrilled by its versatility and availability. I am learning how to be creative with a completely new medium (usually my creativity is channelled in my mosaics). And ultimately I am developing my capability as a digital citizen in the ever changing world of information technology.
During my digression from setting up my portfolio (!), I found this wonderful documentary, it made me smile and realise you are never to young to learn! Enjoy.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Greetings, my name is Lucy Pettit. Welcome to my blog page for the "Learning and Teaching in Practice" course, which is part of the Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (Otago Polytech).

I am a midwife and an educator. I have a passion for education, whether I am teaching students and midwives or guiding new mothers in baby cares; passing on and sharing knowledge keeps my own learning alive and active.
I am looking forward to this course and seeking new knowledge. Upon completion  I hope to have strengthened my teaching practice, added to my educators tool kit and have developed a better understanding of adult learning principals.